glance over

英 [ɡlɑːns ˈəʊvə(r)] 美 [ɡlæns ˈoʊvər]



  1. With a furtive glance over her shoulder, she unlocked the door and entered the house.
  2. Her glance swept over that sea of coloured flannel blouses.
  3. Ever in your car at a stoplight and glance over at the car next to you and everyone in the car looks so happy?
  4. I dont want to meet a deadline during them or be writing a column at the same time, or glance at them over the top of a book.
  5. As I recline at an uncomfortable angle created by the wood bench and aluminum hull, I glance over at the18 year-old version of myself and upload my wisdom to him.
  6. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY-The recruiter or the decision maker will quickly glance over the job descriptions of your previous jobs, looking for commonalities, similar skills or experience that match the job opening that you're applying for.
  7. Though just an ordinary white towel at first glance, when turned over it has a photo of sand printed on the back that will camouflages and protects your valuables when you go swimming.
  8. When she stops by your desk, you know she's setting up camp, and you repeatedly glance over her shoulder, hoping to flag down a passing colleague who can rescue you.
  9. At first glance the collection of stories appears to make up a sort of biography, but over time it shows the impossibility of biography as a coherent narrative.
  10. His glance ranged over the orderly rows.
  11. At first glance, the swaggering skyscrapers and grid-patterned streetscapes of Montreal could pass for any North American city. The girl hopped over and forced apart the bushes, in which there did not seem to be an opening.
  12. Give a report a cursory glance He looked over his shoulder.
  13. Wu Chih-sheng gazed after him with a smile, but he couldn't help feeling a little amazed that the poet should stalk off in a rage like this, without even a glance over his shoulder.
  14. In between there is the Vietnam Pavilion and the joint Asian Pavilion, which you only need to glance over.
  15. At first glance, it may be easy for one to gloss over him and the importance he brings to the team.
  16. A cursory glance over the statistics for the top business schools shows that 60 per cent or more of the admitted class are male.
  17. Please glance over it at your leisure.
  18. He stopped to glance over the misty lake where water joined the sky.
  19. At first glance, the change appears to be significantly downward, since the new target is much lower than the 10 per cent average GDP growth over the past five years.
  20. He was keenly sensitive, hopelessly self-conscious, and the amused glance that the other stole privily at him over the top of the letter burned into him like a dagger-thrust.
  21. She risked a quick glance back over her shoulder.
  22. After I've gained some altitude, I glance back over my shoulder to check my orientation to the show lines below.
  23. At this point of the housekeeper's story, she chanced to glance towards the timepiece over the chimney; and was in amazement on seeing the minute hand measure half past one.
  24. "Sit down in that chair, my good girl," said the duke," until I glance over the paper."
  25. Wen-wan had already noticed Jou-chia, but now, as though only just discovering her at Hsin-mei's mention, she nodded to her while at the same time whipping a quick glance over her from head to toe.
  26. Will you be able to glance over my report before I send it to the committee?
  27. Would you glance my paper over and give me your opinion?
  28. I want to glance over one time this piece of prose.
  29. What is more, people tend to glance over slogans or headings of advertisements rather than to read the texts, proverbs are thus mainly used as the former.
  30. Data base of geological hazard system of Hubei province, except possesses glance over function of data as common, it has skim through functions of image, graph, writing as well as information of audiovisual.



  1. examine hastily
    1. She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi

    Synonym:    scanskimrakerun down